Friday, February 6, 2015

I hate politicians!

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War is in the news.

Every time there's a new Republican in office, they wait a few months to calm down the orgy of war, tax and a pinch of abortion - that was their election. Then - there's a new war. The democrats don't talk much about war once in office, but they maintain the status quo just as well.

When it comes to elections, it seems that the amount of money or funds a candidate can attract plays a major part in how far they can go in whatever race. Yes, like Pink Floyd said, 'money, it’s a gas'. And, money talks too. Often the views and opinions of a candidate is a direct reflection of their sponsor's interests.

If you already know this, my apologies, but so many people still don't get it. Most politician’s jobs are to make the interests of their sponsors or potential sponsors, palatable and acceptable and good to the good ol’ public. How would it sound if Marco Rubio’s argument for a war with Iran went like this “Lockheed Martin and Goldman Sachs have asked me to promote a new war today". You can see it’s not an easy job! Some politicians beat the drums of war, others take the peaceful approach and say they appose war, but once in the white house, they don't - either because they can't, or because it was part of their strategy to get past the public's anti-war sentiment. 

Towards the final elections, the military industrial complex is a major funding for every candidate.  This is an interdependent network of corporations that came into existence simply because war is just too profitable for too many people.

First of all, if the army isn’t active for too long, the government is forced to shrink its funding. If you don't use it, you lose it! So, the army has to be used as regularly as possible in order to justify its huge slice out of the national budget, which goes into the pockets of fat cat defense contractors. Then there are the oil companies, who need to find new oil to keep on making profits. Unfortunately, everyone needs oil, because there isn’t any other substantial source of energy up for grabs. (Since alternative energy companies go under or don’t grow much for some strange reason). So, who better to go and fetch the oil than the army? Finally, the international banks vulture in to fund the war – on both sides. Governments have to pay the banks back later in interest – No problem!  Just collect it by taxing the middle class.  That’s the military industrial complex in short. 

Many other little parasites leech onto this monster like companies who ‘reconstruct’ the war-torn country, by setting up their corporations and paving the way for their ilk on new soil. Other scroungers include catering companies who feed the solders, dress the boys. The list goes on and on.

The politicians want to be in the white house, but the sponsor’s don’t care that much about a specific candidate, because they have all their bases covered. So, it is up to Mr. or Mrs. Candidate to prove to the sponsors that he/she is the one who carries their best interests at heart – the best! They do this by addressing the public – implicitly the sponsors. Now, how do you convince the public that they need to pay for another war, that they need to sacrifice their children in the battle field once again, that they should care about Saudi Arabia and Israel’s interests? Well, you have to make them believe that they do!  It’s very important to Mr. Candidate, because the people are going to vote for him, and they (us, the people) are going to pay for the wars, in interest (tax).’s why tax is such a huge subject during election time. They never address the reasons for the tax. It’s simply a question of how the little people are going to pay back the loan sharks.

Let’s come back to the issue of Iran and the Middle East. When it comes to Iran and Israel, you will always hear certain slogans and associations, doing their rounds again and again. ‘Israel, our alley – Israel our alley’, 'Iran – bomb, Iran – terror'. So, even if you talk about baking a cake, and you make these associations over and over, you are bringing a message across, without even saying anything that makes sense.

The people soak it up. But what they don’t get is that Iran hasn’t invaded or attacked any country in over 300 years. The United States on the other hand has bombed and invaded 33 countries since the end of the Second World War.

Here’s the list of recent sieges *

China 1945-46

Korea 1950-53

China 1950-53

Guatemala 1954

Indonesia 1958

Cuba 1959-60

Guatemala 1960

Belgian Congo 1964

Guatemala 1964

Dominican Republic 1965-66

Peru 1965

Laos 1964-73

Vietnam 1961-73

Cambodia 1969-70

Guatemala 1967-69

Lebanon 1982-84

Grenada 1983-84

Libya 1986

El Salvador 1981-92

Nicaragua 1981-90

Iran 1987-88

Libya 1989

Panamá 1989-90

Iraq 1991

Kuwait 1991

Somalia 1992-94

Bosnia 1995

Iran 1998

Sudan 1998

Afganistán 1998

Yugoslavia – Serbia 1999

Afghanistan 2001

Iraq 2003

Libya 2011

* This list doesn’t even include foreign war’s that were funded by US interests. For example when the US supplied Afghanistan with weapons and support when they fought Russia, or when they funded Iraq, in the first Gulf war against Iran.

The story has always been the same. There’s a crisis in a foreign country - The US military to the rescue.  The war isn’t going as planned. There seems to be a new crisis every year. Even though the US has more solders and better weapons, they still can’t finish the job. The national pride gets hurt. Even thought that is bad sentiment for the average Yankee, it’s a good thing for the War industry. What better way to restore the pride? Go to war, to kick the savage’s asses!

After 10 years, the Iraq war has killed over 6 thousand US soldiers.  I’m not even going to touch on the Traumatic brain injuries, Amputees, Mental illness and suicide statistics. WikiLeaks disclosures of the Iraq War Logs has estimated that these documents show the total number of Iraqi deaths since the 2003 invasion to be over 150,000, with about 80% being civilian. That means children too. The estimated number of orphans across Iraq as a result of the war is more than 400,000. These are conservative statistics. It's probably more.

Nevertheless, they’ve got their eyes on Iran, and the bait is the nuclear weapon issue. Why change the strategy if it worked so well to get into the Iraq war? The idea that Iran will drop a nuclear bomb on Los Angeles is something that many people in the USA believe could happen. These McDonalds eating, football watching, Wal-Mart shopping, gun loving people are very isolated from the world. They are mostly ‘good’ Christians, with no knowledge whatsoever of the outside world. The only information they get from abroad is through Fox news and CNN and Hollywood movies.  Do they know that there are between 700,000 to 800,000 Iranians who live in Los Angeles? How ridiculous to think Iran would drop (their only atom bomb) on LA, and kill its own people. 

So, Mr. and Mrs. Candidate have to convince the public that Iranian people are mad enough to do just that. People like Michelle Bachman know that this skewed sentiment will find a soft landing among the warmongering population . So they keep on throwing out the fear porn, and the people keep swallowing it. By the time their campaign hits the primaries, they up the hard talk in an effort to impress the highest sponsors. 

When I say 'I hate politicians', I don’t mean Ron Paul. I love him! But sadly, he was the only candidate who made sense in US politics thus far. He was authentic, intelligent and real.  In fact, he wasn’t actually a politician.

I often wondered what would’ve happened if he became the president of the US.  Would he even have been able to make the changes he wanted to? What power does one man have against the military industrial complex? Did Ron Paul fail in the end?

Of course the corporations wouldn’t have allowed him to win the elections. One man can’t defeat the monster, but the people who stood behind Ron Paul can. He knew this, and expressed many times that his purpose was to get ideas across. They can't start another war, if we appose it fiercely.

The world is what it is. The irony is that the military industrial complex is dependent on us. We have a need for a government. We have a need to feel protected. We have a need to worship the elite. We ignore what’s going on in the world. In the end, what’s going on on the other side of the world affects us, and depends on us too.  When it comes down to brass tacks, fact is fact – We are funding the wars!