Saturday, January 17, 2015

Islamophobia 101

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It could be argued that Islam is the religion that has been under the most scrutiny for some time now. Its connected with terrorism, beheadings, female slave trading, abuse of women, you name it -  Its in the news, connected with lots of negativity.

When something is so much in the news, particularly in the main stream news, cnn, fox and so on, I take it with a pinch of salt. Why would a network aim so actively and consistently to shape people’s opinions on something?

The main reason I believe is not Islam so much, but it’s the Islamic world. The Islamic world is a field of interest for many players. Entire foreign countries economies depend on it. Your life depends on it too. Where do you get your petroleum from? Do you think that was ‘made’ in your country? What the West needs, and what the Middle East has, has resulted in a tremendous conflict, and the players here would use anything and everything to get what they want and need. They have used political strategy and spin, media propaganda and war.

The slandering of Islam is part of the media propaganda and spin.

Take the the Iran nuclear bomb issue. If Iran were planning on making a nuclear bomb and dropping it on Los Angeles – would the best strategy of the US government be to constantly tell us about it?

If it were a serious issue, why would the public be required to be alarmed about it? The public has nothing to do with it. If the US and Israel felt it was a real threat, they would just act on it. Besides, do you know how many Iranians live in Los Angeles? There are over 700,000 to 800,000 iranians in Los Angeles. And they want us to believe that the Iranian government wants to kill them too?

Why would they drop a nuclear bomb on Israel? That would practically wipe out the Palestinians too. Isn’t it the Palestinians that Iran is trying to defend? That makes no sense.
It would make sense though, if you believed that all Iranians are crazy fanatic lunatics. That is where the media is doing their job, and where they are concentrated. They have to convince everyone that people in Iran are ‘not rational’ people. They are crazy and so they would drop a nuclear bomb on anyone, including themselves.

The international atomic Energy Agency has been stating for over 5 years that:
“Iran has not diverted any uranium to military use (to our knowledge)”
Conducting war and occupation in the middle East is much easier if there’s a general perception that the Muslim world is a home for crazy insignificant, irrational and uncool  sub humans.

Islam causes a Time phobia to many non-Muslims. It represents a belief system and a way of life adhered to in general by most civilizations thousands of years ago. So, public executions for a variety of crimes, though it is seen as barbaric in the West, it used to be common practice to keep society in order thousands of years ago.

Firstly, death by stoning for adultery is in the Jewish bible (old testament) . The Bible is actually telling Jews that anyone working on the Sabath, should  be stoned to death – and they used to do that. Ok, so this is what the Jews used to do, and that comes straight out of the Bible. So, the difference between the Muslims and the Jews are that the one is actually practicing what they are preaching, the other is not.

In Rome 429 AD, the Codex of Theodosianus that enforced Catholicism stated that anyone who made some sacrifice to another god would be put to death. In ancient Rome, beheading was the most common form of punishment for a variety of crimes.

The Islamic law that is enforced represents the way the ‘old’ world , or the traditional people used to deal with social problems. This is a threat to the ‘new’ world, because we believe that we have advanced, and ‘evolved’ from those kinds of social systems. This, combined with the conflict for recourses in the Middle East are reasons for the fear of Islam, and the Negative Image painted in the West of them.
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